Mother Neff State Park, Waco, TX (Dec 2019)

Home territory for us, Waco, TX. We stayed several nights in the Mother Neff State Park just outside the town of McGreggor. We used to watch the President Bush’s helicopters going in and out of the ranch down here. But these days there’s something even more exciting going on – – Space X has a major test facility down here, so nearly every day we could hear and feel the rumble of them warming up rocket engines on the test stands. It’s wonderful to see us getting back into the space business!! Who would of ever thought that we would be forced to beg for space on a Russian rocket to get our astronauts into low earth orbit. That is down right embarrassing!! Hopefully, Elon Musk will have a manned flight this summer or early Fall and we can get back to business.

Speaking of business – we stopped by one of the local Ford dealers and believe it or not, they had Ford pick up trucks on sale. Hard to resist a pretty wite F250 with the Powerstroke Diesel. One of the best moves we have made during this exercise! The cats love being in the back seat, Jennefer loves being able to use the cruise control again, and I love the power. It never down shifts to climb a hill. You just watch the turbo boost gage rotate over as it makes good use of that 700 Ft-lbs of torque. Thank you Stanley Ford for making this possible.